
Subnautica creatures date entry
Subnautica creatures date entry

  1. #Subnautica creatures date entry generator#
  2. #Subnautica creatures date entry upgrade#
  3. #Subnautica creatures date entry pro#

People may avoid them at first, either because of the bellowing noises they make or because of how huge they are in comparison to other animals in the safe shallows.

  • Ironically, gasopods are usually the first seemingly scary creature in Subnautica that a player will encounter.
  • I may make a second list once I finish that title. Note: I've heard that there's a particularly creepy creature in Below Zero, but I haven't played that game yet! Please do not describe any creatures in Below Zero in the comments. Entries are ranked and categorized numerically, on a scale of 10, with 10 being the scariest. This list includes animals from the original game only, and of those, only creatures that pose a danger to the player (i.e. When it comes to undersea buildings, a lot can go wrong, but thankfully these Spawn IDs can help players deal with unforeseen issues in regards to their seabase and its parts.After some considerable deliberation, I have decided to rank all of the (potentially) harmful fauna of 4546B in order of scare factor, from least scary to most.
  • Seamoth Solar Charger - seamothsolarcharge.
  • Seamoth Perimeter Defense System - seamothelectricaldefense.
  • Seamoth Depth Module MK3 - vehiclehullmodule3.
  • Seamoth Depth Module MK2 - vehiclehullmodule2.
  • Seamoth Depth Module MK1 - vehiclehullmodule1.
  • subnautica creatures date entry

  • Prawn Suit Torpedo Arm - exosuittorpedoarmmodule.
  • Prawn Suit Thermal Reactor - exosuitthermalreactormodule.
  • Prawn Suit Propulsion Cannon - exosuitpropulsionarmmodule.
  • #Subnautica creatures date entry upgrade#

    Prawn Suit Jump Jet Upgrade - exosuitjetupgrademodule.Prawn Suit Grappling Arm - exosuitgrapplingarmmodule.Prawn Suit Drill Arm - exosuitdrillarmmodule.Prawn Suit Depth Module MK2 - exohullmodule2.Prawn Suit Depth Module MK1 - exohullmodule1.Cyclops Thermal Reactor Module - cyclopsthermalreactormodule.Cyclops Sonar Upgrade - cyclopssonarmodule.

    #Subnautica creatures date entry generator#

    Cyclops Shield Generator - cyclopsshieldmodule.Cyclops Fire Suppression System - cyclopsfiresuppressionmodule.Cyclops Engine Efficiency Module - powerupgrademodule.

    subnautica creatures date entry

  • Cyclops Docking Bay Repair Module - cyclopsseamothrepairmodule.
  • Cyclops Depth Module MK2 - cyclopshullmodule2.
  • Cyclops Depth Module MK1 - cyclopshullmodule1.
  • Cyclops Decoy Tube Upgrade - cyclopsdecoymodule.
  • Hull Reinforcement - vehiclearmorplating.
  • Engine Efficiency Module - vehiclepowerupgrademodule.
  • Here are all the Spawn IDs for those pertaining to every seacraft one can build. To maximize the potential of one's underwater vehicles, upgrades via the many modules found in-game are key.
  • Large Filtered Water - bigfilteredwater.
  • If for whatever reason, one loses any consumables unnaturally, these Spawn IDs can help to replace them easily.
  • Writhing Weed Seed - purpletentacleseedĮating and drinking are vital to survival, thereby making food and water essential to the gameplay in Subnautica.
  • Spotted Dockleaf Seed - spottedleavesplantseed.
  • Spiked Horn Grass Seed - shellgrassseed.
  • Speckled Rattler Spore - purplerattlespore.
  • Grub Basket Seed - orangepetalsplantseed.
  • Brain Coral Sample - purplebraincoralpiece.
  • Acid Mushroom Spore - acidmushroomspore.
  • #Subnautica creatures date entry pro#

    RELATED: 10 Pro Tips For Subnautica You Need To Know

    subnautica creatures date entry

    Here are all the Spawn IDs for seeds in case something goes wrong with naturally-found ones. While less glitch-prone than the alien containment zone and its moving organisms, there are the rare few bugs that can hinder one's seabase gardening. The further one gets in the game, the more important vegetation and interior growbeds will become.

  • Creepvine Seed Cluster - creepvineseedcluster.
  • subnautica creatures date entry

    These Spawn IDs pertain to the raw materials found in the game that can usually be obtained through breaking outcroppings as well as other means.

    Subnautica creatures date entry